How invigilatorPlus adds value

Easy to navigate and fast to implement. invigilatorPlus faciliates remote exams, assessments and certifications in the digital era. Fuelled by both tech and human elements, our online invigilation solution upholds the utmost integrity and vigilance around the testing process.

Confront industry trends head on

Our platform utilises advanced technologies and innovative strategies to combat cheating and test theft. Features such as real-time monitoring, identity verification, and smart tools help maintain the integrity of the testing process and provide equal opportunities for all test-takers.
invigilatorPlus stays ahead of the game by incorporating cutting-edge technology and promoting a fair and secure testing environment.

Supercharge your compliance

With invigilatorPlus, you can take control of your online exam environment and achieve peace of mind. The platform's customisable exam protocols and live monitoring allow you to quickly detect and address any issues, eliminating the need for manual reporting obligations and freeing up valuable time and resources.
Focus on what matters most and trust that your organisation incorporates an efficient, yet streamlined risk management process that harnesses all areas of compliance and integrity protection.

Take online exams with complete confidence

Our secure and trustworthy testing environment allows students to focus solely on demonstrating their knowledge and skills, free from distractions or concerns about the integrity of their online assessment.


Experienced invigilators are available to support exam-takers via chat or call, answering questions and offering encouragement for a more relaxed and confident exam experience.

Secure data storage

All exam data is stored on secure servers, protected by encryption and access controls.


We adapt to the needs and preferences of exam takers and organisations by offering multiple options for exam delivery, locations, and devices, as well as levels of invigilation based on the security required for a particular exam.

Privacy first

Our proctoring process is designed to minimise the collection and storage of personal information, and to protect the privacy of exam takers during the exam.


Our human forward approach builds trust and transparency in the online proctoring process, while also minimising the risk of errors or biases associated with purely automated proctoring solutions.

Identity verification

The identity of the exam taker should be verified using secure methods, such as two-factor authentication, to prevent impersonation.

Revolutionise without compromise

Experience a seamless transition without sacrificing quality, control, and established protocols.